Dementia education through ERS’ Center for Memory Support and Inclusion offers a number of benefits to its staff, individuals, families, and the community. Most importantly, it increases awareness and understanding of dementia, enabling people to recognize early signs and symptoms, leading to early diagnosis and intervention. By educating caregivers, businesses, and organizations about the various forms of dementia and their progression, it empowers caregivers or those who interact with those living with dementia with knowledge and practical skills to provide appropriate care and/or support during everyday interactions.

Also, dementia education helps to reduce stigma and misconceptions surrounding the condition, promoting empathy, compassion, and inclusion for individuals living with dementia. Ultimately, dementia education contributes to building dementia-friendly communities where people with dementia can live with dignity, respect, and improved quality of life.

Finally, our caring staff is a critical component of our Center for Memory Support and Inclusion. Staff training is at the forefront of our efforts to support those who live with cognitive loss and their care partners.  Below are some of the training topics that the Center has created:

    • Yes, and… – A training program that builds on theories of improv to positively engage with residents facing challenges in their day-to-day lives by meeting them where they are at.

    • Communication Strategies – When speaking with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, it’s very helpful to employ communication strategies that help us engage in more meaningful, positive interactions. The Center offers approaches and best practices that make interactions more pleasant and less frustrating for everybody, especially the person living with dementia, who is often told ‘no’ many times a day.

    • Brain Health Strategies – Growing evidence indicates that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits. This training provides strategies to educate and encourage a brain-healthy lifestyle.

    • Dementia Inclusive Cincinnati Business or Organizational Staff Training – Dementia 101:  How to identify if someone may have dementia and how to effectively communicate to have a positive interaction.

Dementia Guidebook

Advice for Dementia Care Partners and Memory Care Support Options

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